Partnerships with Employers: exchange of projects and programmes

Online, zoom 9 November 2021, 14.30-16.30 CET, Zoom

The aim of the meeting is mutual learning and identification of good practices and success factors to further build EPR’s online toolkit on partnerships with employers[1], as well as identify challenges for and gaps in services in this field, in order to consider possible future activities on this topic (as a “thematic incubator”). Participants are invited to share and discuss ongoing and completed projects and programmes related to working with employers.

Brigitte van Lierop will kick off the meeting presenting the recently finished QUES project which she coordinated. This project aimed to improve the competencies of employment specialists of VET-providers of how to approach employers and network with employers. Five partners have come together to share their experiences in the building of partnerships with employers. In this presentation, targeted Social Media Networking, the Bang project and Duo Day will be examined.

Autism Europe will then present their WIN-WITH-U project- Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism. The project aims to improve the inclusion of autistic people in the work world, by providing training to employers and firms and supporting autistic people in their journey toward employment.

EPR members will be invited to share their latest developments, challenges and interests in the topic.


The programme and registration can be found below.

This meeting is for EPR members only.

This event receives financial support from the European Union, from the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). For further information please consult:

Information details

Registration form Programme file