• NewWorkTech


    NewWorkTech is a Horizon Europe funded project that engages in research-based enhancement of the work-related capacities of a) people with disabilities and b) the general workforce, with particular focus on technologically mediated tasks and interaction.

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  • SPACE – Social Prescribing and Civic Engagement

    SPACE – Social Prescribing and Civic Engagement

    Space - Social Prescribing and Civic Engagement is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to bring together social prescribing and volunteering to create an environment and approach that supports the health and well-being of people with health and rehabilitation needs. The project will address Education and Training needs of health, social care and rehabilitation professionals, NGO/Civil Society leaders, as well as policy makers, making a direct impact on the EU Cancer Mission contributing to the National Cancer Plans. 

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  • GOLD – Getting Older with a Disability

    GOLD – Getting Older with a Disability

    GOLD is an Erasmus + funded project that aims to train professionals in the disability and elderly sectors to effectively address both existing and developing needs of the ageing disabled population. The project is led by the Association of Management of European Funds (France), in partnership with EPR and 7 other organisations.

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  • InDiCo: Increase Digital Competences to Promote Inclusion

    InDiCo: Increase Digital Competences to Promote Inclusion

    InDiCo is an Erasmus+ funded project which aims to is to foster the inclusion of persons with learning difficulties into the digital age. The project is led by Chance B (Austria) in partnership with: The European Platform for Rehabilitation (Belgium), The University of Klagenfurt (Austria), Fundação AFID Diferença (Portugal), Fundación Rey Ardid (Spain), Mariaberg, e.V (Germany) and Theotokos Foundation (Greece)
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  • Labour Market Information for People with a Disability

    Labour Market Information for People with a Disability

    LMI4Dis_Abled is an ERASMUS+ funded project with the aim of reducing those factors contributing to the multidimensional exclusion of disabled persons from adequate career opportunities and labour market participation. The project is developed by University of Valladolid (Spain) together with Progressus Research & Counselling (Greece), S.C.P. SERV LIMITED (Cyprus), European Platform for Rehabilitation - EPR (Belgium), Centro Studi Pluriversum S.r.l. (Italy), and União das frequesias de Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom e Jovim (Portugal).
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  • Autherapies


    AUTHERAPIES is an ERASMUS+ funded project to critically examine, improve and promote therapies for people on the Autism Spectrum. The project is led by Fundació Villablanca (Spain) with the collaboration of EPR (Belgium), OpenEurope (Spain), Istituto dei Sordi di Torino (Italy), and Medical University of Silesia (Poland).    

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  • Particip.AGE


    Particip.AGE is an Erasmus + funded project with the aim of supporting community participation and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities. The project is led by EPR in partnership with INTRAS Foundation, Mariaberg, Panagia Eleousa, UNI Galway and Medea.
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  • VOLT


    The VOLT project is an Erasmus + funded project that aims at creating training resources for staff and learners in VET services for people with disabilities. The project is led by Theotokos Foundation in partnership with EPR and other 3 EPR members: INTRAS Foundation, Mariaberg e.V and Rehab Group.
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  • INSITE – Innovation Supporting Inclusive Transitions in Europe

    INSITE – Innovation Supporting Inclusive Transitions in Europe

    EPR has a four-year Framework Partnership Agreement with the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion under the European Social Fund Programme for 2021-2028. This FPA annually funds many EPR activities for members.
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  • Supported Apprenticeship Scheme (SAS)

    Supported Apprenticeship Scheme (SAS)

    Supported Apprenticeship Scheme (SAS) is an ERASMUS+ funded project coordinated by French EPR member LADAPT. It will be implemented in partnership with seven other organisations including EPR members Theotokos Foundation (Greece) and Fundación INTRAS (Spain) and EPR itself as well as NASO (Bulgaria), Divalenza (Italy) and Fønix and Spir Oslo (both Norway). The project started in January 2022 and will run for two years.

    Discover the project here >

To see EPR’s past projects, please click here.