The joint report of ILO and Unicef reflects on the importance of strengthening social protection systems for children’s well-being

In March, the International Labor Organization (ILO) together with UNICEF published a joint report on the necessity to boost social protection systems, with a focus on children. The report offers an in-depth analysis, from a global perspective, about the root causes and effects of poverty and exclusion from social protection systems, future development and challenges and recommendations for decision-makers. Given the insufficient investments, which fell even more after the offspring of the Coronavirus, the document stresses how social protection systems are a crucial ally to fight poverty, exclusion, gender inequality and facilitate equal access to basic goods and services, such as nutrition, education and healthcare. The report also highlights how children under working age and from vulnerable groups -like, girls and those caring disabilities – are less likely to receive sufficient social protections and face poverty, compared to adults.

Read the full report here.