In 2019, the theme of digital transformation was chosen for a two-year period for EPR’s activities; a theme that became even more pertinent due to changed ways of working brought on by the impacts of COVID-19.
The 2020 Annual Conference was one of the key activities organised by EPR to address the theme. It aimed to give those taking part insights into and understanding of trends, innovation and good practices in digital developments and tools, from outside and within the social sector; thus supporting organisations in their digital transformation. The conference was organised in short sessions with breaks in between to enable people to join the conference more easily and still keep up with other work, and an interactive, creative dimension aimed to prevent “zoom fatigue”!
The conference took place in four online sessions on Zoom, both days from 10.00-12.00 & 14.00-16.00 CET, Brussels time. The programme overview can be found at the foot of the page.
The conference kicked off with three expert keynote speakers.
Robert Schaffner, Scouting emerging technologies – learning from the best futurists; Nuria Oliver, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the role of AI and David Maguire, Digital Change in Health and Social Care – Experience from the UK. After a time of Q&A, breakout groups gave the chance to participants to process what they had heard and what it might have meant for their organisation.
Each of the four workshops was opened by an international expert who set the scene, focusing on trends and developments on the topic. Subsequently, projects and practices that focus on people with a disability were presented. The workshops thus aimed to give participants both insight into the future and examples from the current situation. After the presentations there was a time of Q&A, followed by breakout groups where participants distilled the information they had heard and discussed the learning from the session. Find out more about each workshop at the bottom of the page. Topics: Digital skills, Hackathons, Assistive Technology, AI and VR.
The final session included a panel discussing how an inclusive and sustainable digital future could be ensured, followed by Q&A. Breakout groups encouraged participants to reflect on all of the sessions and discuss conclusions and next steps. These were fed back to plenary and the conference was then be closed with an interactive element.
Dr Nuria Oliver: Computer scientist – AI expert, Robert Schaffner: Co-founder of the Triangility consultancy, Jutta Treviranus: Director Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University, Jiří Braňka: Expert, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, David Banes: Director, Access and Inclusion Services, Nicola Rosa: Global Head of Immersive Learning, Accenture, David Maguire: Senior Policy Analysist, Kings Fund. David Pollard, Innovation Manager at Rehab Group, Colin Keogh, co-founder of The Rapid Foundation, Lidia Best, Vice-Chair of International Telecommunication Union Joint Coordination Activities on Accessibility and Human Factors, Jesús Hernández, Accessibility and Innovation Director at ONCE Foundation. See the speakers’ biographies here.
All presentations are available on EPR Slideshare page here
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EPR members 45€ per person, 120€ for three to five persons, 140€ for six and above
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