Less is More? Rethinking Resources for Quality Services – Annual Conference 3-5 June 2019

Astangu / Nordic Hotel Forum, Tallinn, Estonia 3-5 June 2019

EPR’s 2019 Annual Conference was co-organised by Astangu, our Estonian member, and took place in Tallinn on June 3rd-5th, 2019.

3rd June: AM: Tour of Astangu. PM: EPR internal meetings – Centre Coordinators and General Assembly (at Astangu, Astangu street 27, 13519 Tallinn) and opening reception (at Nordic Hotel Forum,Viru väljak 3, 10111 Tallinn)

4th June: Conference (Nordic Hotel Forum) and conference dinner (Restaurant Farm)

5th June: Conference (Nordic Hotel Forum, morning only). P.m. Optional social activity: Old Town Adventure

This conference brought expert perspectives, insights and inspiration to help organisations rethink how they can make the best use of the resources that they have to provide quality services. It also aimed to facilitate networking among organisations to encourage partnerships and mutual learning.

Experts from within and outside of the EPR network shared information on global trends and good practices and the interactive sessions were designed to ensure participants could come away from the conference with ideas to implement in their own organisations.

The programme, including speakers’ biographies, can be found below.

The conference dinner took place at award-winning restaurant Farm in the medieval city centre.

Did you miss it? Would you like to go back to some of points discussed during our Annual Conference in Tallinn? Here below you can access the presentations given:

See the entire Annual Conference 2019 album online HERE

This event receives financial support from the European Union, from the
EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). For further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi