Web Meeting on Work-based Learning

Online 23 April 2018

Mapping work-based learning initiatives in EPR network

Following the webinar of the EPR Working Group on Vocational, Education and Training, a number of EPR members expressed a keen interest in organising a mutual learning session focusing on work-based learning initiatives among EPR members. According to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), apprenticeships and other forms of work-based learning can support young people in the transition from school to employment, therefore addressing possible labour market imbalances in the job offer/demand. In 2012, The European Council stressed that Members States should promote the number of apprenticeships and other work-based learning opportunities, favouring integration into education programmes.

In addition to the link with the Education and Training Framework 2020, the European Commission has recently adopted the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships, as part of the New Skills Agenda launched in June 2016 and in line with quality and inclusive education foreseen in the European Pillar of Social Rights. To assess the quality of the apprenticeships, the European Commission has identified 14 criteria covering the learning, working and framework conditions.

  • This online meeting was an opportunity to share and learn from other organisations, including identifying key issues and interests to build future collaboration.
  • The event was open to EPR members currently providing (or planning to provide) work-based learning programmes.

Information details

Programme file Events report

Contact person

Alicia Gomez Campos

Email: agomezcampos@epr.eu