Helpdesk Project website updates & upcoming workshops

Since the launch of the Helpdesk’s website, it has provided information and support to 17 social services representatives so far, relating to: the functioning and access of EU funds in the different Member States and information on calls for proposals, among other things. The other knowledge sharing activities (Training & MOOC and Booklet of Promising Practices) are under development and will be publicly available during the latter half of the year. There has been a delay in the development and piloting of the MOOC, due to a delay in the completion of the evidence gathering activities, but this does not impact the rest of the project’s activities and timeline. The piloting of the MOOC training platform will be finished by October 2023, and with the feedback from the piloting the MOOC will be finalised in November and December 2023. 

The first steps have been taken to create the “toolkit for managing authorities” to simplify and facilitate the use of EU Funds for social services projects. The simplification toolkit will be created using feedback collected from stakeholders in each social services sector during 7 cross-sectoral and 15 sectoral workshops. The workshops commenced during May and will continue until the end October 2023.

EPR has organised the first of a series of online workshops on the use and accessibility of EU Funds for social services projects for persons with disabilities. The workshop is planned for 10th July with 18 participants, with experience in ESF and ERDF funds, interested in taking part. An expert in EU funding, Jan Hauser, has been contracted to develop templates and guidance notes specific to the priorities and needs of the disabilities sector.