Employment for All – Strategies for the Implementation of the UNCRPD (Austria)

Vienna, Austria 27 September 2018

On September 27th, EPR co-organised  a conference focused on the employment of people with disabilities in Vienna, Austria together with EASPD, the European Union of Supported Employment, the Austrian Disability Council and the Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. This conference, organised within the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, looked into strategies to ensure employment of people with disabilities and the implementation of the Article 27 of the UNCRPD.

Around 200 people took part. Experts examined the progress of implementing the UNCRPD in the field of employment, including a focus on Ireland as good practice, and examined what the EU has done to support implementation. During country workshop sessions experts, including ONCE, presented country situations and best practices focusing on reducing the unemployment rate of people with disabilities. Panel discussions looked at good practices and challenges in employment of people with disabilities.

A key outcome of the day was the Vienna Declaration making a stand for better opportunities for persons with disabilities in the labour market.

> Read the Declaration in English HERE.

> Read the Declaration in German HERE.

Presentations and photos can be found below:

Themensetzung | Setting the Scene

Länderberichte | Country Reports

Auf dem Weg zu einer Deklaration | On the Way to a Declaration

Grafische Zusammenfassung | Graphic Recording

Presseaussendung zur Konferenz ,,Arbeit für Alle”  – Presseaussendung

Photo gallery Galerie

This event receives financial support from the European Union, from the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). For further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi