On January 31st, the social partners met in Val Duchesse, Belgium to discuss the possibilities of strengthening the social dialogue to tackle existing labour challenges. As the outcome of the meeting the ‘Tripartite Declaration for a Thriving European Social Dialogue’ was signed.
This declaration presents an unwavering commitment to strengthen the social dialogue at EU level and to join forces in addressing key challenges in European economies and labour markets. The ultimate aim of declaration is to support thriving businesses, quality jobs and services as well as improved working conditions. The declaration is based on the social dialogue between workers’ and business’ representatives as a fundamental component of the European social model, contributing to economic prosperity, improving living and working conditions, fostering the competitiveness of EU businesses and helping to anticipate and manage change, for instance in the context of the green and digital transitions. The Declaration reiterates the EU’s commitment to fully respect and promote the role of social partners and social dialogue that leaves no one behind.
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