The European Parliament’s own Initiative Report on mental health was approved at the plenary session on December 13th in Strasbourg. This report stands as the European Parliaments response to the European Commission’s Communication on a Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health. The report emphasises the socio-economic and environmental determinants of mental health, and stresses that policies impacting, involving or regarding mental health must be multidimensional, person-centred, and human rights compliant, recognising diversity, cultural sensitivity, and multiple intersectional needs.
Jointly with Mental Health Europe, the report calls for the European Commission and corresponding member states to develop comprehensive Mental Health Strategies with quantifiable objectives, a clear timeline, adequate budget, objectives, as well as measurable indicators to monitor progress, and a focus on the most vulnerable groups. Since the Communication did not establish new funding, the Parliament calls for the Commission to convert the flagship initiatives, into concrete actions with adequate financial support for vulnerable groups, create a mission on Mental Health from the Horizon Europe programme and the future programme in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2028- 2035.
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