Public Affairs, Centre Coordinators and General Assembly 2018

Avenue des Arts 8 c/o CCI 'Salle Delvaux' (Ground floor) 1210 Brussels, Belgium 6 December 2018

Schedule of the day:

> 9:00-13:00  Public Affairs Event

> 13:00-14:00 Networking Lunch

> 14:00-18:00 Centre Coordinators & General Assembly

> 19:30-22:30 Networking Christmas Dinner

Our yearly Public Affairs event took place on the 6th of December in Brussels, Belgium. This year we organised it together with EASPD with whom EPR did a joint research work under the topic of social economy and employment of people with disabilities. The day was focused around the topic of social enterprises and within the framework of this research study EPR is commissioning together with other European organisations and service providers, the event introduced the state of the research, invited related speakers and presented innovative and successful practices related to social enterprises focusing on the employment of people with disabilities.

> The programme can be consulted at the bottom of the page.

Center Coordinators and General Assembly:

  • Center Coordinators: Main contact people from the EPR members gather to discuss developments and activities in the network, examine key EU initiatives, exchange and develop project ideas, share good practices and network.
  • General Assembly: Chief Executives/Directors of full members gather as the decision-making body of EPR. Its main task is to set the strategic, financial and organisational framework of EPR, to discuss and approve EPR policies and activities, as well as to present and discuss issues of strategic interest to Directors. Associate members can participate as observers and take part in the discussions.

Practical Information:

Hotel suggestions > We invite you to make your own reservations and can suggest the following convenient hotels located near to our offices:

Contact person

Alicia Gomez Campos