TransitAction Project: Final Dissemination Event

Mundo Madou, Avenue des Arts 8, 1210 Brussels, hosted by EPR 25 October 2022, 14.00 - 18.00 CET

Breaking barriers and supporting Young Adults with Autism in their transition to Employment



TransitAction is an Erasmus + funded project started in October 2020 with the aim to provide Young Adults with Autism (YAA), Transition Coaches (TC) and other actors in their lives, new skills and innovative tools to support YAA in the difficult transition from school or inactivity to employment.

Final Dissemination Event

On 25th October, the Consortium of the Erasmus Plus Project, TransitAction, celebrated the results and impact of their work in providing YAA, Transition Coaches and other actors in their lives, new skills and innovative tools to support them in the difficult transition from school or inactivity to employment. 

This event marked the end of the TransitAction Project, and brought together all project partners, speakers and participants from partner organisations including, the European Economic and Social Committee, European Commission (tbc), Inspirational Speakers who are on the autism spectrum, Employers, Autism Europe, European Disability Forum, Autistic Adults’ Reading and Advisory Group
a member of the European Council of Autistic People and EPR members, to share good practice and to network.

The project partners presented the project results, evaluation and good practices from their countries in Slovenia, Belgium, Greece and Ireland and transition coaches, having done the training, shared what they have learnt and what could still be improved in supporting young people with autism to transition smoothly into employment.  


The event, organized in cooperation with GTB collaborating also with the Belgian network for Supported Employment aimed to:

  • Promote the main results of the project: the TransitAction platform and the e-learning Modules
  • Share good practices on employment of YAA
  • Raise awareness on youth unemployment and YAA unemployment
  • Encourage networking among stakeholders

Info & Contacts

The agenda of the conference can be found below.

For any info please contact Benedetta Pesce:

Information details

Registration form Programme file

Contact person

Benedetta Pesce,