Microsoft Teams: a demo session (Working and Meeting Remotely Taskforce – fourth online meeting)

Online 26 May: 2.30 - 4.00 pm

The emergency linked to the spread of COVID19 had countless consequences on the service provision and on the daily work of EPR members.

One of these consequences was the shift of all possible interventions from the physical to the digital world. Working and meeting remotely became a priority and an obligation for many organizations.

For this reason, starting from April, with the aim of sharing experiences and challenges on this topic, EPR formed the WORKING AND MEETING REMOTELY TASK-FORCE.

Following the first 3 online meetings of the task-force, the group had identified communication flows as one of the most delicate and difficult activities to manage in that period. The COVID19 emergency coerced our organizations to pour their energies into many digital channels of communication, which, however, often risked fragmenting the flows and adding obstacles rather than removing them. For this reason, the group decided to focus more on digital tools that could facilitate and support communication flows within organizations.

Bart Coopman, executive officer at GTB, introduced participants to the reasons why his organization had chosen that specific tool, how it worked for them, the benefits, the struggles they had . GTB  Teams-environment was shown in real-time to the attendees as an example.

Given the particular interest that this introduction could also get beyond the organizations that normally participate in the task force, the meeting was open to all interested EPR members.

Coordinators interested in participating in the event were asked to contact EPR secretariat (Roberto Zanon –  by the 20th of May at the latest. Further instructions were sent in the days preceding the event only to interested organizations.

More info on Microsoft Teams can be found here and here.

This event receives financial support from the European Union, from the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). For further information please consult:

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