Since the autumn of 2023 with the support from Ukraine’s government, several groups of healthcare specialists from different organisations visited SIVA to get to know the vocational rehabilitation service. Currently, there are not many services supported by government programs that would focus on the (re)integration of persons with different health issues into the labour market. Keeping in mind that one of the main consequences of the current political situation is the significant amount of people who got injured because of the war activities, it is important to find proper solutions to support citizens, so they can continue to participate in the social life and labour market.
For this reason, physicians, occupational therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists, and other health care specialists have visited Latvian medical rehabilitation institutions and SIVA to get to know the content and support services within vocational rehabilitation to find the best solution for new services in Ukraine. SIVA specialists are glad to share their expertise and knowledge with everyone interested in it to develop necessary support services and approaches.