Equal Treatment

The Project

Equal Treatment is an ERASMUS+ funded project with the aim to improve the access of people with intellectual disabilities to secondary and tertiary health care through inclusive European policies in healthcare services; training of healthcare staff on interacting with patients with intellectual disabilities and; stronger collaboration between healthcare staff and professional supporters.

The Context

Despite many EU policy recommendations on People with Disabilities health and their rights to access health care services, approximately, people with a learning disability die, on average, 16 years younger than the general population, and are over 4 times more likely to die from causes that were amenable to good quality healthcare. For this reason, this project will focus on one main objective:



  1. More effective policies on people with intellectual disabilities inclusion in HealthCare services
  2. Lower barriers for people with intellectual disabilities to access HealthCare services
  3. More effective training of HealthCare Staff to interact with people with intellectual disabilities
  4. Stronger and better collaboration between HealthCare Staff and other professional supporters

Target Groups

  • Project Beneficiaries:
    • Doctors, Nurses, Administrative staff in secondary and tertiary HealthCare services (HealthCare Staff)
    • Educators, Psychologists, Social workers, etc. supporting people with intellectual disabilities (Professional Supporters)
  • Final target group:
    • People with intellectual disabilities


  • Study “People with intellectual disabilities rights and access to HealthCare services in Europe”
  • EQUAL TREATMENT: self-learning e-modules for HealthCare staff
  • EQUAL TREATMENT FACILITATOR PATHWAY: self-learning e-module for Professional Supporters


  • Beneficiaries:
    • Healthcare Staff and Professional supporters
      • Enhanced quality of intervention and more inclusive environment in HealthCare services
      • Better knowledge of the rights of people with intellectual disabilities
    • Universities:
      • Improved training offer and enhanced employability of their students
  • Final Target group:
      • Better Health, reinforced social inclusion, supported rights, better Quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities
  • Transversal impact/impact on other stakeholders:
      • Better Quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities families
      • Raised awareness on the topic of Rights, social inclusion, diversity management

Final Deliverables


The project is led by EPR together with six other organisations and universities including:

EEA Margarita (Greece)

Research Center of Biopolitics of Panteion University (RECEBI) (Greece)

Kaunas College (Lithuania)

Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI) (Spain)

Arnau d’Escala Campus Foundation (FCAE) (Spain)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) (Finland)


Consult Equal Treatment website here, developed in collaboration with Tampere University of Applied Sciences, to discover more aspects and initiatives of the project.  


Panita Ball, Projects and Events Officer at EPR: pball@epr.eu

Roberto Zanon, Senior Project and Policy Officer at EPR: rzanon@epr.eu

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Equal Treatment Project Facebook Page

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.