NewWorkTech (From the Margins to the Masses: Standard Practices and Innovative Uses of Technology in Augmenting Different Abilities of People in Worklife) is a Horizon Europe funded project that engages in research-based enhancement of the work-related capacities of a) people with disabilities and b) the general workforce, with particular focus on technologically mediated tasks and […]
Space – Social Prescribing and Civic Engagement is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to bring together social prescribing and volunteering to create an environment and approach that supports the health and well-being of people with health and rehabilitation needs. The project will address Education and Training needs of health, social care and rehabilitation professionals, […]
GOLD is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to develop a methodology and tools to enhance the skills of professionals (EQF 4 to 6) and volunteers working in the disability and/or older people’s sectors, so that they are better able to provide quality services in the care and support of ageing people with disabilities. The […]
The main aim of the Erasmus+ funded project InDiCo is to increase the inclusion of persons with learning difficulties into the digital age. Background The European Commission’s goal is for 80% of 16- to 74-year-old EU citizens to have at least basic digital skills by 2030. The reference framework for digital competences (DigComp), which enables the categorisation […]
The Project QUASAR is an Erasmus+ funded project about assuring and improving quality in VET and care services for people with disabilities based on Rights and Quality of Life. The most relevant priority is to improve quality assurance in VET and care, by promoting the knowledge about trends and key issues in quality assurance and […]
The project Time 2 Outdoor (T2O) is a project which aims to increase participation in sports and physical activities among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Background Children on the Autism Spectrum have noticeable differences from others in how they talk, behave, and learn. Also, different types and extent of motor impairments jeopardize the inclusion […]
The project LMI4Dis_Abled is an ERASMUS+ funded project with the aim of reducing those factors contributing to the multidimensional exclusion of people with a disability from adequate career opportunities and labour market participation. Background The inclusion of people with disabilities is one of the core principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights reflected in […]
The project AUTHERAPIES is an ERASMUS+ funded project with the aim of critically examining, improving, and promoting therapies for people on the Autism Spectrum. Background Firstly, AUTHERAPIES will collect a review of evidence-based therapies for people on the Autism Spectrum, and find an agreement on the skills needed to then develop a training course for […]
Supporting community participation and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities The Project Particip.AGE is an Erasmus + funded project with the aim of supporting community participation and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities. Background Today, People with Intellectual Disabilities (PWID) are living far longer than previous generations due to advances in […]
The VOLT project (Video Online Learning and Training) responds to an ongoing need for inclusive and accessible digital learning opportunities; a need that became all the more apparent during the COVID-19 lockdown. The project aims at creating training resources for staff and learners in VET services for people with disabilities. By equipping staff with the […]