In recent years EPR members have expressed their interest to collaborate and organise a mutual exchange and learning exercise on services for and the work with Young People with Disabilities (YPWD). The joint work started off in December 2020 at the National Awareness Raising Event (NARE) in Germany where a number of EPR members presented their services and programmes in this field. For 2022 the members involved in the WG Youth had decided to have transition programmes and services for YPWD as one thematic focus throughout the year. This choice was to be seen in the context of EPR’s bi-annual theme on pathways to employment, too.
The final result is a report that includes a collection of good practices and the identification of success factors. They refer to the conceptual approach taken, to professional qualifications needed and to professional roles, to innovative features of the practice, and to cooperation structures and/or partnerships between stakeholders. The report also contains recommendations to social service providers and policy makers. It updates the good practice examples from the EPR Study “Transition Services for Youth with Disabilities” (2014) and revisits its success factors. It thus also complements EPR’s work on services for young people with disabilities (YPWD) as the coordinator of the two Erasmus+ projects Jump2Job and TransitAction.
Read the full report here.
Read the summary here.