COVID-19 can leave people with disabilities in a vulnerable situation as services addressed to them such as care and/or medical attention are not easily provided under current circumstances. As a result of confinement measures, service providers can face significant challenges in the daily running and development of their activities under confinement rules. In some cases, social services staff see their positions at risk due to this situation.
EPR keeps strong as a community of service providers for people with disabilities under these present circumstances. We offer members resources, space to promote mutual learning and exchange of ideas to help tackle challenges in their centres through online meetings and knowledge.
EPR in-person meetings will be held online from now till the end of June. The Secretariat will work to make these online activities as interactive as possible, using GoToMeeting.
EPR activities to support members during COVID-19
Dedicated Taskforces to connect and support members / online meetings
1. Transforming and digitalising service provision: Gathering and discussing tools, resources and advice for service providers on operating in a new context in new ways.
2. Online meetings: Gathering and discussing tools, resources and advice for effective and engaging online meetings of all types. EPR is also re-evaluating its own online meeting tools and ways of designing such meetings.
EPR members have signed up for these taskforces and the first meetings will take place by the 10th April. The taskforces will define specific activities, ways of work and outputs.
>> Read more about our activities related to digital transformation here.
Our Knowledge Hub
Find information related to COVID-19 organised by topics or sources on our Knowledge Hub here.
EPR members’ forum
EPR members’ forum offers the possibility to exchange information online, uploading resources and reading other’s members posts. If you aren’t registered to access the forums yet, you can do so here. Registration is approved by EPR. You can then subscribe to individual forums. Transforming and digitalising service provision can be accessed here and online meetings here.
Social Media, e-Bulletin and Newsletter, Online learning
EPR Social Media channels (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) will keep a close eye on any relevant information or resource for our sector from the EU institutions and EPR members to ensure our community is well informed and updated.
EPR e-Bulletin April 2020 will look at related news in the EU and any updates affecting Erasmus+ or other EU funded projects.
Next edition of the EPR newsletter will share members’ news and suggestions, stories about how they are overcoming challenges and how they keep providing their services under COVID-19.
EPR e-Learning modules are created to improve services providers knowledge on a concrete topic. Using the platform Teachable, the knowledge obtained can be tested online by the ‘pupil’. Interactive content such as videos, interviews and questionnaires are available to complete the courses. It is a good time to learn online! See our courses here.
EPR Secretariat
The EPR Secretariat is teleworking until further notice. If any member needs to contact the Secretary General Laura Jones, she is available on her mobile (see email signature); the rest of team via their email addresses. The team is also available to contact you back through EPR Skype’s account and meetings can be arranged through Skype, Google Hangouts or GoToMeeting.