
NewWorkTech (From the Margins to the Masses: Standard Practices and Innovative Uses of Technology in Augmenting Different Abilities of People in Worklife) is a Horizon Europe funded project that engages in research-based enhancement of the work-related capacities of a) people with disabilities and b) the general workforce, with particular focus on technologically mediated tasks and interaction. The project covers the entire arc of development, from empirical research into how people with disabilities – as forerunners of technology use – perform tasks and interact at work, to theoretical innovation regarding the nature of socio-material factors, as well as what constitutes technology, to policy recommendations, and to the development of new technological solutions, including AI-based technologies.

We consider people with disabilities to be experts in using technical systems to improve their work performance, and through an analysis of a variety of use cases, will identify elements of successful use, as well as factors that cause problems for interaction or the performance of tasks.

People with disabilities will be engaged in NewWorkTech in line with the principle “nothing about us without us”. NGO partners will be actively involved as facilitators in the empirical research and as drivers of application and dissemination. Through our own technological development effort, attention to the ethical use of technologies, and the dissemination of the knowledge we generate, the results will feed into improved usage methods and functionality of work-related technologies, as well as knowledge about the required skills. The smart use of technology thus achieved will help create employment opportunities for people with disabilities, improving their quality of life and reducing inequalities while also helping alleviate the current shortage of labour in Europe, and open possibilities for more efficient and creative use of technology by everyone, whether they have physical or cognitive limitations or not.


The main objectives of the NewWorkTech project are to:

  • Generate new empirical knowledge of work practices, the related technology usages, and work-related skills by people with disabilities and functional limitations;
  • Identify improvements to the design and usage of existing and future assistive technologies on the basis of accurate, directly observed first-hand knowledge of user needs;
  • Widen the perspective through the identification of new opportunities and skills for using assistive technologies and the consequent dissemination of technologies and usage methods to wider user groups among the general population;
  • Provide new/revised theoretical modelling of technology and human-technology interaction; new methodological approach to the empirical study of work practices.


The project is led by Tampere University (Finland), and is implemented together with nine other universities and organisations:


To learn more about the NewWorkTech project, please click here.