
Supporting community participation and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities

The Project

Particip.AGE is an Erasmus + funded project with the aim of supporting community participation and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities.


Today, People with Intellectual Disabilities (PWID) are living far longer than previous generations due to advances in medicine, rehabilitation, technology, etc. As a consequence, there is an increased likelihood of secondary medical conditions to ageing and/or to an individual’s particular disability. Ageing PWID experience a high rate of medical, functional, and psychosocial complications and/or changes about 20-25 years sooner compared to aging individuals without disabilities. Health, functional, and psychosocial changes not only impact the individual but the family as well, adding emotional and financial stress. The same applies to people with intellectual disabilities. Data highlight that this specific target group is facing a double vulnerability: early ageing and intellectual disability. And this exposes them to suffer the combined effect, with a negative impact on their social inclusion, health, quality of life, etc. Their early aging puts them in the position to requires more and more support and care in the activities of everyday life.


Main Objective:

  • Enhanced community and social inclusion of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities (APWID).

Specific Objectives:

  • Supported rights of APWID

  • Enhanced competences of service providers’ staff to support APWID

  • Reduced barriers for APWID social inclusion

  • Enhanced inclusive approach of community towards APWI

Project Results


The project is led by EPR and implemented together with 5 organisations including:


Panita Ball, Projects and Events Officer at EPR:

Benedetta Pesce, Project and Events Officer at EPR:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.