This interactive virtual event saw the presentation and discussion of EPR’s study on practices supporting people to move from care into employment; programmes, services, projects that, in an integrated way, support clients from illness or the acquisition of a disability into labour market inclusion. An example would be an early intervention programme, and the services may include medical rehabilitation, work alongside or after this stage of care.
The analysis of good practices through the study aimed to identify the success factors, to compare different approaches and to understand their impact, as well as to support the development, dissemination, and implementation of innovative and successful policies supporting return to work and implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).
The practices submitted for the study were discussed at the event, and as they were also considered entries for EPR’s 2020 Prize. The Prize was awarded to the practice in the study scored most highly by members: We Go To Work, by EPR member GTB (see presentation below). They presented the practice highlights. A debate with stakeholders followed; we were pleased to welcome representatives from Rehabilitation International, the European Network for Independent Living and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work to the panel. Breakout groups then enabled sharing of experience and develop recommendations for policy and practice.
The programme and report can be found below.
Alicia Gómez Campos