InDiCo: Increase Digital Competences to Promote Inclusion

The main aim of the Erasmus+ funded project InDiCo is to increase the inclusion of persons with learning difficulties into the digital age.
The European Commission’s goal is for 80% of 16- to 74-year-old EU citizens to have at least basic digital skills by 2030. The reference framework for digital competences (DigComp), which enables the categorisation and comparability of digital skills on eight levels plays a key role in this strategy.
Even though this reference framework also includes basic digital skills at levels 1 and 2 and the aim of the digital strategy is “digital skills for all”, people with learning difficulties are at risk of exclusion. Often, appropriate training programmes are not accessible to them, or the people who support and accompany people with learning difficulties have low digital skills themselves.
The InDiCo project aims to achieving:
- Clearer Understanding of Digital Competences: to develop a clearer comprehension of the competences required by people with learning difficulties in their digital interactions;
- Competence-Oriented Approach for Adult Learning and Education Staff: adopting a competence-oriented approach for adult learning and education staff when assessing and training digital competences;
- Improved Validation of Digital Competences: to enhance the validation process for digital competences among persons with learning difficulties in link with the DigComp framework.
Expected Outcomes
- Reports on the current situation and challenges related to the implementation of the EU DigComp strategy and the assessment and validation of basic digital competences for persons with learning difficulties in the partner countries and on pan-European level;
- A catalogue of relevant basic digital competences for persons with learning difficulties (DigComp levels 1 & 2);
- An assessment and validation approach for basic digital competences in line with the DigComp Reference Framework, tailored to the needs of persons with learning difficulties;
- A train-the-trainer manual for this competence-oriented approach;
- Policy recommendations regarding the consideration of persons with learning difficulties in the DigComp strategy and framework.
Reports on the current situation and challenges related to the implementation of the EU DigComp strategy for persons with learning difficulties
Status quo of the EU DigComp framework implementation
Assessment and validation of digital competences at levels 1 and 2 for Persons With Learning Difficulties
InDiCo Project is led by Chance B (Austria) in partnership with:
Priska Schukoff, Chance B,
Benedetta Pesce, EPR,
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